What is Multi-accounting?
We have aggressive blocking against 'multiaccounts'. Some people try to cheat by creating several accounts, then performing the 'once an hour'/'once a day' actions multiple times and then funneling them into a single account. The other version of this is people trying to 'play for' someone else which is another form of multiaccounting/cheating. IF YOU "HELP" ANOTHER PLAYER BY LOGGING IN AS THEM YOU ARE MULTIACCOUNTING AND WE WILL BAN BOTH YOUR ACCOUNTS. If you aren't sure it's simple as simple as seeing if you answer "yes" to either of these questions: 1.Are you on more than one account? 2.Is a player getting more than the results of their own play? If the answer is "yes" to either, there's cheating. It is multi-accounting; we're good at catching it. The rules are very clear: ONE account per person. Don't do this to yourself as we will NOT undo a ban for multi-accounting, and you and your IP may be locked out of all of our games. We have no tolerance for cheating.
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What will happen to me if I break the rules? Depending on the severity of the violation, your account may be frozen (temporarily locked out) for a number of days, or even banned (permanently locked out) depending on the severity and/or previous violations. Freezes range from 1-7 days, however, the admin staff may choose to freeze longer or shorter, should they feel it is appropriate. If you create a second account to bypass or argue about why you were frozen, you are multi-accounting and this results in a ban.
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Who can I talk to about being frozen? Note: SHG Studios relies upon it's volunteer moderator team. We will not second guess them about cases - for one, we trust them, for another they have more information than we do about specific cases. If you *really* think their ruling is unfair contact another moderator, but you had better be sure of your case. We simply do not have the time to run an appeals court. Contact an Admin for an appeal only if you believe your human rights have been violated i.e. racist, sexist, etc. comments. Anything else will be ignored.
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How Do I Get Points?
Points represent the luck of heroes - here you can choose when and how often you get an incredible and lucky escape or other 'hero' bonuses by saving up and using points as you see fit. Points can be obtained from other players swapping for cargo in the points market, from selling uncommon, rare or very rare items back to the game and you can sometimes find them in the asteroid belts. Points can also be purchased through Upgrade Account by using a PayPal or Xsolla to support our site (thank you for keeping our game running! Without your support we could not offer the servers, development and support we do.)
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Elite Pirate Status
- every 5 levels* you earn a Elite Day Token. You can also trade 33 points for a Elite Day Token. Go to your Inventory to Use them. - winning them from the lottery - trading in-game cargo to other players for Elite for 1 Week packs via the Item Market - by Inviting your friends to join (we give a matching 10% free bonus if you invite someone and they make a purchase during the first two years of play e.g: if they buy 30 days for themselves, you will get an extra free 3 days) - win the daily Referral Contest for 10,000 Exp., 5 Elite Days and 50 Points! - buying them from PayPal or PlaySpan Inc./Ultimate Pay (which supports us, keeps the game running and lets us add more features) * - excludes levels gained while Ascending, these have specific Ascension-related rewards (points, items, etc.) Benefits of Being a Elite Player: Play More: Research Units, Fuel and Energy recharge 50% faster. Hull Points recharge twice as fast. Personalize More: customize your avatar and ship name Convenience: customizable searches, inventory favorites and more Find More: 5 more search "slots" per search! Elite players can win multiple points in the Asteroid Belt or Deep Asteroid Belt on an encounter victory - Free Captains cannot find more than 1 point at a time in the Belts. Know More: when opening a player's profile, a composite/best guess of the data you've collected by spying upon a player will be shown. It will select the highest observed values from the previous spying you have done. If you erase the content from the spylog, those values will be dropped/no longer show up on the profiles. Information is not automatically shared/pooled among Fleet members "Cash" Direct to Bank: All sales on Item Market go directly to your Galactic Credit Bank Account. 80% of sales on Point Market go directly to your Galactic Credit Bank Account. Less Security Restriction: Sending points and items is allowed between Elite players on the same IP. Consume More: Elite players receive 50% more experience than Free Captains do when using a consumable. Note that not all consumables add experience when used. Easier Item Market: All current prices of the item you are placing on the market are displayed on the [Market] page for rapid and easy pricing.
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My Elite status ran out. What happens? You lose your 5 extra search turns. Supplies, Energy, Training, and Hull recharge at the slower rate. Item market sales and 80% of points sales will no longer go directly to the bank. Your avatar and ship name return to defaults though they remain in the system for displaying when you renew your Elite status. At 20:00 server time on the day that your Elite status runs out, your items are automatically removed from the item market. At that time, your ascension mission also auto-pauses if you are in ascension. It will cost the normal amount to resume ascension. Immediately following these, your Elite status will end.
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How Do I Delete My Account?
You can delete it by clicking "Delete my Account" on settings. If you delete it, it can't be undone, and you are responsible for this action.
How Do I See How Many Elite Days I Have?
The number of Elite days that you have remaining is displayed in brackets beside your username in the left-hand navigation. Also, if your days drop to 2 or less, the Upgrade Account will turn red to help warn you.
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What Do My Stats Do?
What Does Weapon Tech Do? Weapon technology increases the damage you can inflict in combat; it is the base value upon which installed equipment acts - either increasing or decreasing the value (this is known as the 'modded' weapon value). See the discussion about combat damage for more information.
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What Does Defense Tech Do? Defense reduces the ability of opponents to inflict damage upon you in combat.
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What Does Engine Tech Do? Engine power determines who strikes first in combat and provides a chance to surprise attack your enemies while reducing the odds they will surprise attack you. Engine technology increases the chance to successfully salvage and to rescue other players. A superior maneuvering bonus given to the ship with better engines. This is an amount of Hull Points equal to 1/10th the difference in modded engine values (maximum of 90). This while somewhat small has an interesting effect - damage is taken from the 'bonus' Hull Points first. This increases the margin of superior engine speed to avoid damage. Engines also give you bonus attacks, the larger the difference between yours and an enemy's Engines, the more attacks you get. These attacks come with diminished returns.
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Do Consumable Items 'Stack'?
Multiple consumable items of different types can be used at once, however using a second of the same type of consumable just increases the duration of the effect. The limit to this duration extension is 1440 minutes (a day). The same consumable item does not 'stack'.
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What are Thread Notifications?
A new option has been added to your account profile - Forum Thread Notifications. Now you have the option of being notified through real life e-mail (previously the only option), through in-game PM or both. You can also turn off all new post notifications if you like. (To turn notification for a thread on, go to the bottom of the thread and click the 'Turn Notify ON' text. Of course, you can turn them off individually here as well.) Also, the links to the thread that are sent to e-mail and PM will now bring you to the post that the notification was for, not just the thread as was previously the case.
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Surprise Attacks
If your modified engines score is greater than your opponent's and you launch the attack, you have a chance to do a Surprise Attack. Surprise attacks provide an extra amount on the first attack's maximum damage (note this is to the maximum damage possible, not to the minimum damage). Surprise attacks also can increase the target's Malfunction Chance. However, unlike the surprise damage which applies only to the first attack, since you catch the opponent off-guard, their weapon malfunction chance increases for the entire battle. This increase can be a minimum of 5%, it can be more (up to 30%) depending upon how much greater your engines are than the defender's. That can swing the battle in your favor. Look for weapons which increase Engines, increase Surprise Attack Damage and Surprise Attack Chances. Chance to surprise depends upon your equipment bonus + difference in modded engines / 10, capped at 90%. Surprise damage has a MINIMUM of 1, and a MAXIMUM equal to your level x 3 + sum of all your equipment. Value shown in combat is the random value picked from within this range. This SURPRISE DAMAGE thus completely IGNORES DEFENSE. After regular damage is determined, the surprise damage determined is added to the total damage for the first combat round. SURPRISE damage can never be reduced
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How Does Weapon Damage Work?
Damage is a random value from 1 to a MAX DAMAGE AMOUNT. MAX DAMAGE AMOUNT = (WEAPONS - SHIELDS)* + MINIMUM DAMAGE MODIFIER (from items, officers) *There is a modifier to WEAPONS - SHIELDS: if it's less than 4 points (or your level/5 if that is higher) then the MAX DAMAGE AMOUNT is increased to 4 (or level/5). If you succeed with a surprise attack, another amount is added from 1 to SURPRISE DAMAGE AMOUNT. Each of the damage bonus types is determined randomly from +1 to +maximum of that type (i.e. if you can do 25 surprise, you get from +1 to +25 each time). Players can also have a chance of equipment malfunction. For the attacker, this chance is capped at 98% (note that the displayed amount shows the total computed amount which can exceed this value). What is a Malfunction? A malfunction is an erratic behaviour of equipment which can have multiple effects including missing / misfiring, damage to self or damage to opponent.
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How Fast Does Fuel, Energy, Training Regenerate?
Energy, Fuel and Hull Points (but not Training) as a small 'congratulations' are recharged for Elite Pirates when a level is gained. Energy comes back at 5% per minute for regular players. Notorious players have it come back 50% faster (7.5%). Training returns at 1 per minute. Notorious players have these values come back 50% faster - on odd minutes training goes up by 2, even minutes it goes up by 1. Hull points go up by 5 per minute for regular players and 10 per minute for Elite players. Fuel goes up 2 points every 5 minutes for regular players and 3 points every 5 minutes for Elite players. These rates limit player training and are done deliberately. 1. limits/slows super-fast crazy growth 2. players are encouraged to use points and AI Cycle Bursts and to trade with each other for them 3. provides value to the points system which keeps our game running 4. it is faster to regenerate fully than to slowly heal up which encourages players to ask other players to shipyard them at very low hull points - this encourages the social element
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How Do I Increase The Chance for Successful Forays?
Engine technology will increase your odds and the more fuel you have available, the better your odds. Going out on an empty tank is best done for the least costly salvage forays.
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Commission: I Borrowed An Item? When commissions require that you have an item, that means "owned" not "loaned". You cannot bypass the item requirement by using someone else's.
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How Does Experience Work?
Winning a Combat as the Attacker: 100 + 10 x crew level + 4 x ship grade (not counting the starting ship) Defenders winning a combat cannot receive more experience than they are worth themselves.
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What features do player levels unlock? (shoutbox, raiding, etc)
Level 2 unlocks offline attacks against other players Level 3 unlocks the shoutbox. Level 4 unlocks posting in the forums Level 5 unlocks the online attacks on players of level 5 and higher (note: this means you too!) as well as the ability to Send Items, Send Cargo to other players. Level 10 unlocks the ability to raid and be raided, and point searches. Level 15 unlocks the ability to send points to other players and sell them on the point market*. Level 20 unlocks player missions. Online Players cannot be attacked more than once every 60 minutes during their first week of play unless they are in a war or have reached level 30. At level 70 players get to choose one VR mk I of their choice as a gift to celebrate their achievement. AI Augments are not selectable as level 70 gifts! * To help protect players from selling points far too low and not understanding point values, there's a block in until level 15 from sending and selling points. Probably the best use of points at lower levels is to refill fuel for Asteroid Belts, Energy for attacking other players and when research is full enough performing Commissions. Refilling Research using points is not efficient until higher levels.
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Where Is Galactic Credit?
If you click on the 'cargo' or 'credit' balance on the upper left menu (under Supplies), it will take you to the Galactic Credit.
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Rescuing Other Players (Lost In Space)
If you see someone lost in space - go rescue them! This requires 4 supplies. There's a good reward - experience is 150 + 10x their level + 4 x ship class (yes this is usually more experience than if you defeated them in combat!) to a maximum of 1,500 exp. The cargo reward is 250 + 3 x their level - but you can fail or be lost in space yourself. A successful rescue will also have the Starport replenish half the supplies used (2 supplies points returned to you) and will return both you and the rescued player to the nearest station (which could be anywhere the lost player could normally get to). As with Salvage Forays, the more supplies you have and the better your engines, the higher chance you have to succeed at a rescue.
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How Long Can I Be Lost In Space? The actual lost time is dependent upon the supplies required for the foray, the maximum time to be 'lost' is 10 minutes and the minimum is 1 minute. The higher the foray, the longer the lost time. This game is meant to favor 'fast and furious' play not waiting while still retaining balance. Those taking the biggest risks should not be forced to wait inordinate amounts of time; we have also made rescues worthwhile and the cost for points to escape very cheap to reinforce this.
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Raids, and Keeping your Money Safe
What's the difference between being raided and being attacked by another player? Being raided doesn't result in ship damage, you just lose 5% of your cargo and the raider gains about 4% of your original cargo. Being attacked is just that, an all-out assault that puts you in the ship yard for a while, and they can get 10% of your cargo if they win.
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I was Raided Offline; But I had no Money People can send you money, and sometimes do that for fun. Check the event logs before you started getting raided. People can buy an item or points you put for sale in the market. Some or all of that cash goes to your cargo on hand. If you want more of that money to go to your cargo hold (and not be taken), then you can Upgrade to Elite.
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I got Raided - Everything Should Pay to Credit! No, everything should NOT pay to Credit. Anything you have some control over, bets, searching debris etc. need to be handled/dealt with by players before they log off/forget. There need to be things that if not handled right let raids occur. The list of what can go to your Galactic Credit cannot continue to grow Otherwise we may as well remove the raid feature entirely which we won't let happen. You have no control over when mining will pay out so those go to Credit, other things will continue to go to your cargo. As a convenience feature, Notorious players have item market items go to Credit and 80% of points - this is partly to avoid the case where nothing is in the market and partly as an incentive to help support the site.
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I got raided, is there a safe way to upgrade my ship? When you're in the shipyard (dead) being repaired, you're safe from attacks and raids, and can safely withdraw money from your account without having it stolen. Most players don't choose to take the risk of doing a transaction outside the shipyard, and will instead either "splat" by attacking a stronger player and losing, or will ask for an "MK" (Mercy kill) in order to be sent to the shipyard, and get 13 minutes (8 for Notorious) safe from raids and attacks.
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Where Is The Friends and Enemy List?
On the left hand menu in the game screen, you can view your contact list, which shows you your friends and enemies.
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How Do I Upgrade My Starship?
Get your cargo out, go to the station screen, click 'upgrade starship', and click the ship you want to buy (buy bigger starship) under the 'buy this ship' column. Money must be in the 'cargo' area, not the bank. Most players choose to do ship upgrade while in the Shipyard in order to avoid being raided. Ship Upgrades - Technology is Transferred When a ship is upgraded, technology and installed items automatically are transferred to the new ship.
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How Do I Change My Ship Name?
Go to Edit Profile, enter a customized shipname there and save.
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How Do I Buy Weapons and Armor (Equipment)?
Go to the Item Market, you can only buy them from other players. Picking through debris is the fastest way to obtain equipment. There are no 'computer stores'.
Cloak Feature
Cloak: Activated by spending points (click "Points"). Lasts 20-40 minutes. While active, there is a 80% chance that attacks made will show a random person in the event and logs rather than 'you'. In addition, the city reported on the player profile is 80% likely to be wrong. There is a further 80% chance that cash on hand will be hidden on the profile - though it will still show on the Hall of Fame.
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What Does 'Spy' Do?
Odds for a spy to find a stat are 2 out of 3 per stat. Cost is $250 per level or $5000 (whichever is less) per attempt. A 75% discount applies to spy attempts on fleetmates. There is also a chance your spy will also reveal what weapons are installed on the ship. The higher the target level, the less probable this is. Spy data is purged from the spy log after 90 days.
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Why Doesn't the Server Time Update in Real Time?
The server time has some JavaScript in it to attempt to show a simulation of what the server time actually is. This is very close to the server time, and lets us toe the line between efficiency and an active game clock. Every computer has a visible clock time on it already, so using the game clock as a rough approximation is advised.
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How Many Items Can you Install on Your Ship? Does it Depend on Ship or Crew Level?
It depends only upon the ship type. On your Home Page you'll see the "Install Slots" - how many you have total and how many you've used. To see the list of ships and their attributes go to the station and click "Upgrade Ship".
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I Can't Seem to Install All Loaned Items? "Owned" is better than "Loaned". 2 Slots must be occupied by your own - not someone else's - items. This helps to avoid cases where players try to use only other people's equipment instead of focusing on improving their own via the Item Market, debris searches and upgrades.
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Why is My Malfunction Increased by Loaned Items? This helps reduce cases where players forget to obtain their own items - you can borrow items but remember: "Owned" is better than "Loaned". Per Loaned and Installed VC to R = +1 MALF Per Loaned and Installed R+ = +1 MALF / -1 EMALF Per Loaned and Installed VR = +1 MALF / -2 EMALF Per Loaned and Installed VR+ = +2 MALF / -3 EMALF
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What is a "Dedicated Slot"? A Dedicated Slot represents an additional slot with restrictions on installable items. Some ships have a Dedicated Armor Slot, some have a Dedicated Stealth Slot. These have restrictions on which of your owned items they can support - you cannot use loaned items for dedicated slots.
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What is a fleet?
A fleet is a group of players who help each other and contribute into a central collection of cargo and items. Fleets also have certain advantages to players. The top 5 fleets in each System have a reduced docking fee in that System. Members of the top fleet in each System get an extra search turn at that System and members of the top fleet in the Universe get an extra search turn everywhere. Members of the top fleet in the Lower Belt and Upper Belt ladders received +1 Fuel, while members of the top fleet in Pluto & Charron receive +2 supplies. The bonuses listed above are only available to members who were in the fleet during a war that must have taken place no longer than 7 days ago. If you are in the top fleet you are able to declare down for the purposes of refreshing your bonuses. Members of the top 3 fleets in any ladder also get a medal proudly displayed on their profile.
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How Do I Join A Fleet? You must be invited by a Fleet Leader. You cannot join a fleet: - While it is at war or in pre-war lockdown. - Within 5 days of having fought a war in a previous fleet.
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What is the Fleet Vault? Fleets can keep their own collection of cargo and equipment. This is under the Fleet leader control. If you rise through the ranks you can be promoted to a leader - until then you may not access the vault or armory.
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Fleet Ownership: Can it be Given Away? Yes, it can be done. We are able to manually do this if the fleet owner asks us to do so by opening a support ticket and specifying the player to become the owner -and- if the player to be given ownership to also opens a support ticket confirming it. If a player has been involved as recipient or giver of fleet ownership, we will not carry out requests for additional transfers involving that player for 3 months from the date of the last transfer. We also reserve the right to refuse a transfer.
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Mass Mailing Members of Your Fleet: Click "Fleet", click the 'Mass Mail' button. -or- Click "Private Messages", "Mass Mail Fleet". If your rank is insufficient for what your Fleet leader has chosen you won't see these options.
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How Do I Loan Items From the Fleet Armory? Open the Fleet page, go to Armory, then click "Loan to Member" next to the item which you wish to loan. Those who have Armory permission can also loan items to fleet members. Items loaned to fleet members cannot be sold or put on the market. If the member leaves the fleet (or is dismissed), the items are returned to the armory. Note that each loaned item installed on your ship will increase your malfunction rate according to the following list: Per Loaned and Installed VC to R = +1 MALF Per Loaned and Installed R+ = +1 MALF / -1 EMALF Per Loaned and Installed VR = +1 MALF / -2 EMALF Per Loaned and Installed VR+ = +2 MALF / -3 EMALF Fleet leaders (and owners) can see items loaned to a member on the member's profile, below the ship information. Limitations: this allows you to view but not send consumable items that the member cannot use. We will not show the link to loan impermanent items - the functionality is correct as the member cannot actually consume nor destroy them. WARNING: any and all points, cargo, items that an account is in possession of when banned are out of the game. Take care who you loan things to.
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How do Fleet Wars Work?
How Does It Start? Fleet Leader announces an attack, the enemy Fleet is informed and the War starts 24 hours after the announcement. Go to Fleet -> Declare War! and select the Fleet from the drop-down that you wish to attack and Ladder that you are attacking in. You must enter the random Confirmation Code, the click "[Declare War]" How Does It End? Either your Fleet or the other Fleet Wins. A win occurs when the other Fleet's hit points drop below 1 or if the other Fleet surrenders. When the war ends, fleets have their HP regenerated. Your Fleet's new ladder spot is equal to the Fleet you attacked; they get 'bumped down' five spots (or to the bottom of the ladder, whichever is less) and so does everyone who was below that. If neither fleet inflicts enough damage to win within 48 hours, then the defender wins.
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You can't start a war unless: - you have 10 members level 5 or more - they have 10 members level 5 or more - they are within your ladder position + 5 (above) or you are the top fleet in the ladder and they are no more than 5 spots below you - they were not in a war within the last 2 days (3 days if their last war was with you, unless it's a declare down war then you can declare instantly) - you were not in a war within the last 3 days - they are not already in a war - you are not already in a war
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How Do I See Who Is Fighting in a War? Click Station -> Wars (under "Fleets" heading), then select between Current, Upcoming, Completed, and In Planning Stage.
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How do I change my Fleet Home Location? Fleet home locations are assigned according to the Fleet level. This allows similar leveled fleets to fight for the top advantages.
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How Do Fleets Lose HP? Each kill on the enemy Fleet members knocks some hp off (see below). If you attack an enemy and they win, your Fleet loses hp - UNLESS they are offline. We reward active play, we don't reward inactive play. If you're not online, you're not helping the war. If the war has been announced but has not yet started, kills do not count towards the war progress. Gaining a Fleet level while a war is on does not boost/regen your Fleet's hp, though it does increase your Fleet's maximum hp. 7 minute immunity timer between hits allowed drops down to 2 for Fleet Wars - so the minimum time between hits is only 2 minutes during a Fleet War for your Fleet and the Enemy Fleet, even if points or a regenabot summoner are used. Players not involved in the Fleet War still have the 7 minute timer in effect. Note that offline timer is unchanged - 10 minutes of no game activity and you're offline. That is important - offline players who defeat the attacker DO NOT REDUCE THE ATTACKING FLEET'S HP. Offline players involved in a Fleet War who are sent to the shipyard are there only for 5 minutes. This means while the war is underway, being offline hurts your Fleet. Even if you cannot defeat the enemy, it is much better to be online and trying the war forays than to be offline. During war time for each member of the fleet who is online and has been out of the yard for at least 60 seconds will deal active damage automatically on each minute mark. If you are notorious 4 damage is dealt in this way, for non-notorious players it is only 2 damage. Offline players deal no active damage. Also on the minute mark, no matter how fleet members go there, HP is deducted from your own fleet for each member in the shipyard. This amount is 2 hp if offline and non-notorious. If you are notorious then even being offline limits this penalty to 1 HP per minute in the shipyard. Each of these automatic HP changes are tracked in your fleet's war stats page as 'Active Damage' and 'Inactive Penalty'.
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HP VALUES PER HIT: Our initial concern was avoiding something which appeared to punish high level players (i.e. it's not fair making them receive less kill points by hitting a lower level target just because they've worked hard and got levels) yet which also encouraged / rewarded hits on the bigger targets vs. just the weakest of the Fleet. The solution we're going to use is to make the hp value equal to one-tenth the defeated player's level (rounded up). So levels 1-3 add nothing (high levels can't hit them anyway). Levels 4-10 = 1 hp. Levels 11-20 = 2 hp. 21-30 = 3 hp. 31-40 = 4 hp. 41-50 = 5 hp. 51-60 = 6 hp. 61-70 = 7 hp. 71-80 = 8 hp. 81-90 = 9 hp. etc.
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How Does the 2-Minute Timer Work? The 2 minute protection is from the time of attack, not from the time of leaving the shipyard. Normally, a ship that has been sent to the shipyard cannot be attacked for 10 minutes, even if they are not in the shipyard for that duration (because of using points, regenabot summoners, etc). For fleet wars, it was felt this would give too much of an advantage, so it was reduced to 2 minutes, but only for war attacks. However, if you are in the shipyard for longer than the protection period, you can immediately be attacked as soon as you leave the Shipyard.
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Fleet War Victory Bonus: At completion of the war, eligible participants receive a small congratulatory experience bonus. XP Bonus for Players in the Victorious Fleet: 5 points per: Your Fleet HP reduced below 25% (e.g. 1=> your Fleethas 1000 HP max, you took 750 HP, no bonus 2=> your Fleet has 1000 HP max, you took 999 HP, 249 x 5 bonus) 5 points per HP you reduced from the defeated Fleet (e.g. 1=> they had 2000 HP max, you beat them with 0 HP left, = 2000 x 5 bonus, 2 => they surrendered after losing 500 HP, = 500 x 5 bonus) XP Bonus for Players in the Defeated Fleet: Defeated gets 1/5 as much bonus as the victor. Bonus is then divided by number of people in the Fleet. Eligibility for Victory Bonus: Players must be active within the 24 hours preceding the end of the war to receive the experience award.
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Pirate Armadas
Pirate Armadas are groups of Pirates who attack their target in a swarm. Armadas can: only be formed within your own Fleet have a maximum size of 10 members be controlled by the leader (only) be created / accessed from the Fleet page be much more powerful than any of the members be used up and destroyed intercept war forays in fleet wars (only) CREATING ARMADA: To create a Pirate Armada, you must go to your Fleet. Creation costs 6 points. After creating, the create link changes to a 'Pirate Armada' link.
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JOINING ARMADA: You can invite others into your wolfpack once formed - but only from your own Fleet. Players can accept an invite for $500 x level (maximum $10,000). Players can join an armada if they are sent an invite from the Armada leader. You can invite by clicking 'Pirate Armada' -> Invite (the user is in the drop-down). As you invite or they accept, the drop-down contents shorten. Players must be in the same location to accept an invite - they are assumed to automatically 'move with' the Armada leader; we do not enforce the location to continue to match as it is a pain to play and we want to favor fast and furious. Fleet leaders do not need to invite members, instead they 'force' members into an Armada they control - in which case an invite is not sent, the player will automatically join and the funds are taken from the Vault. You cannot be in more than one armada at a time. You cannot invite others who are currently in an Armada (they do not show in your drop-down list). After accepting an invite, all your other invites are erased - so you cannot have several offers, then join one, drop out, join another, etc.
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ARMADA ATTACKS: When attacking, it is the Armada leader's energy which is checked and drained. An Armada attacker uses Armada stats but the defender fires on a single ship at a time. If the target wins, he gets the full kill for each of the wolfpack members he defeats. An Armada defender is picked at random from anyone in the wolfpack EXCEPT the leader until everyone else is gone. That is who the target concentrates his return fire on until they are defeated. Armadas do NOT get engine bonuses for speed - their target DOES (if faster). Armadas do NOT get superior engine bonuses - however they CAN surprise. Targets of an Armada DO get superior engine bonus but cannot surprise (since they are not the attacker). Cloaks do not work to protect Armadas. Bombs DO work with Armadas - the first defender takes the bomb damage, however bomb malfunctions apply to all within the Armada until that combat resolves. Each time someone is lost from the Armada, the maximum size drops - it cannot be increased again. If the Armada leader is killed as part of a Pirate Armada attack (NOT just by attacking the leader) then the Armada is destroyed no matter how many open slots are available. If the Armada wins, the last defender who 'got the kill' is given the experience, cargo and their officer experience; that player is then dropped from the Armada. Note that this can mean the Pirate Armada leader will get ZERO. A new option appears on the player profile, PIRATE ARMADA which allows you to attack with the ARMADA. Fighting stats: ATTACKING -> each player in the Pirate Armada contributes half their modded stats to Weapons EXCEPT: minimum and surprise damage modifiers are averaged. Fighting stats: DEFENDING, ENGINES -> one player at random is selected, they are the one attacked, this uses their shields and engines stat. Combat proceeds as normal. In other words, the power of the Pirate Armada is on the offense but they will crumble and FAST if they don't get the first kill in. Each member in the Armada adds +1 additional damage when the Armada fights, and each member increases critical chances +2.5% (rounded down) and critical damage +30, Enemy malfunction is increased 3.5% (rounded up) per member (these bonuses are shown on the Pirate Armada screen). e.g. 5 members = +5 additional damage, +12% critical chance, +150 critical damage, 18% Enemy Malf 10 members = +10 additional damage, +25% critical chance, +300 critical damage, 35% Enemy Malf MALFUNCTION chances are AVERAGED not summed. Officer bonuses that do not go directly to stats (e.g. bomb adjustments), are averaged for the armada. Officer bonuses, items, etc. are applied then brought into the above. Players who are in the shipyard or lost in space after joining the armada do not participate in the armada fight. Fleet Events are populated with Armada fight events.
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Armada Use In Wars When your fleet is at war, it's possible to score more war points from an opponent by using an Armada. War Kill Points: Losing with a Pirate Armada gives war points of 1 point per FIFTEEN levels not 1 point per TEN levels. Winning with a Pirate Armada gives war points of 1 point per EIGHT levels not 1 point per TEN levels.
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INTERCEPTING WAR FORAYS: War foray interception chances are dependent upon Armada size. +4% per member added (ignoring the Armada owner) and can range from 0 - 36%. As members are removed, the interception chance drops. Interceptions are checked before the war foray attempt resolves. If the interception fails, the war foray chance is then resolved. Intercepting before the Armada is ready is undesirable so the control over interception is provided on the Pirate Armada Actions page. Click "Intercept is OFF" to toggle the Interception to ON state. To turn it off again, click "Intercept is ON".
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We Have Multiple Accounts From the Same IP (Work, School) but We Also Play From Home (different IP) - Can We Trade?
Since you're using multiple IPs you will not encounter an issue - the only time you'll end up blocked on transferring will be at work. That's to stop people 'playing for' someone else (which is a form of multiaccounting/cheating. IF YOU "HELP" ANOTHER PLAYER BY LOGGING IN AS THEM YOU ARE MULTIACCOUNTING AND WE WILL BAN BOTH YOUR ACCOUNTS. Are you on more than one account? Yes. Is a player getting more than the results of his own play? Yes. This is cheating. It is multiaccounting. It is not one account per person. The rules are very clear. ONE account per person. Don't do this to yourself.) We are able to relax the same IP block for the Sending of points and items between Notorious players on the same IP, but not if one of them is a freeplayer. Money/cargo sending is still blocked between any account on the same IP as this is too easily abused by multi-accounting.
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Can't Validate on a Blackberry - I cannot see the code and even logging out and back it keeps trying to validate
To play on a Blackberry, you need a functional browser - the built-in one won't suffice. Please install Opera Mini and you should be able to play.
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What is an 'MK'?
MK = mercy kill It is someone asking to be sent to the shipyard because their hull will regenerate faster that way than letting it happen on it's own. Other synonymous requests include "tow", "splat", "quack" and "waffles"
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Can I Post Mature Threads?
The short answer is no. All material should be legitimate for Teens (those 13 and up) according to the US media rating system. Some threads may be acknowledged as more mature than others; and not of interest to those players who aren't interested in suggestive material. If you have have a thread like that, you may want to put "Mature Thread: title name" in the Subject/Title area. In no cases are threats, swearing, and other non-Teen concepts allowed in the website. Those will lead to warnings. freezings and/or banishment from the site.
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Do I Own my Posts?
As always, all unique material posted to StarPirates becomes the property of StarPirates and Snakehead Games. If you are uncomfortable with this, then please do not post to the forums, shoutbox, etc.. Sorry but we have to do this for legal reasons. Please also see related FAQ and T&C material on Copyright.
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Can I post Other's Material?
Short Answer - no. If you post material created by others please ensure it does not violate Copyright. It is up to the individual poster (that's you) to ensure that all material is free of Copyright issues. In other words, do not post material to Pirates of Procyon which breaks Canadian Copyright and your local statutes.
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Search - Nobody Shows Up?
If you're trying to search for other players and no-one shows up, check your critieria. Remember, once you reach level 5 you can't attack players level 3 and below.
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Why Can't I Send to My Roommate/Friend/Visitor/Workmate?
We have aggressive blocking against 'multiaccounts'. Some people try to cheat by creating several accounts, then performing the 'once an hour'/'once a day' actions multiple times and then funneling them into a single account. Obviously, that's not fair. So we monitor transfers and have code inspecting them; we also block transfers on the same machine identifier and track the IPs (networks) that the accounts have been on in the past. Trying to bypass the same IP/same machine block will not work but it does generate warnings on your account. Each warning is investigted and can result in a freeze or ban if sufficient evidence is collected to indicate a multiaccount. To send items between players on the same network, you'd both need to be Notorious. Sending points and items is allowed between Notorious players on the same IP. Money sending is blocked as this is too easily abused by multi-accounting. If you attempt to do so by the Fleet Vault the code can impose an auto-freeze; don't cause this trouble for you and your friend.
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History of Pirates of Procyon Universe
History of Pirates of Procyon Universe The story of is well known. The chapter that is Pirates of Procyon is, quite literally, foggy. And waiting for you to discover. What is Known You were a normal citizen of the planet Maa. Like everyone you compete in Games consistently. Life is more fun the more you compete. On Maa it was only for rankings, but in space it's about ranks, sure, but also cargo. Cargo lets you get a better ship. Since you've gone to space you've learned about scarcity. And that means cargo, banking, raiding and more! Space has also taught you about scarcity in other matter - you only found out about age and lack of vitality after meeting other species in space. Death is a new concept for you. In fact, you're not really sure when you or anyone was born. Hmmm... Do Ships Really Get Blown Up? No. The Rules of the Games have transitioned to space. One does not try to harm the opponent, just win. So in space one has roundels. These are targets to hit. Other captains can defend them with outrageously high tech solutions - as long as they are visible. Interestingly, other species have the exact sames rules. Why Are There Other Species in Procyon? This is a total unkown. Until some months back, humans from Maa didn't even know the system had other planets, let alone species. It's because of this darn fog. The Fog The fog befuddles sensors in the Procyon system. All kinds of sensors. Even planets can't be seen at a distance. Funny though, those lights in the distance are stars it seems and their light gets through. There is a rumour that other star systems perhaps don't have the fog. Well, it's something to learn about. Do We know of Sol and No. Although the games are tied together with rewards and more. As for more story, you'll just have to play the campaign and learn. The Original Starcrash Timeline 2142: automated regenerative robots (Regenabots) are invented that seek out and aggressively treat any ailing human. At last, immortality of a sort has been discovered on Earth - no longer does disease or age triumph over man. Within a year, the Regenabots are everywhere and briefly the Earth is a Utopia. 2165: Pressures of an unstoppable surge of population brings Earth to the brink of disaster. Earth is wracked by a series of devastating wars fought over control of diminished natural resources. Energy is not the issue - cool fusion and null-grav enerpile technology has solved that - the battle is over the last vestiges of near-exhausted mineral resources. 2174: With a population nearing 27 billion and no end of this growth in sight, democracy vanishes across the globe. When despotism causes near-collapse, the self-improving Regenabots intervene and assert authority. 2177: Humanity is presented with the options of enforced mass sterilization or leaving the planet and taking to a hard spacefarer's life. Freedom-seekers and those looking for families take to the stars and the Regenabots follow soon after trying to keep the space miners alive. 2182: The asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter is populated by orbiting habitable satellites called "StarPorts". They are crowded, unsanitary and dismal but capable of sustaining life in space. Under these harsh conditions, space miners begin "farcasting" mineral-rich asteroids to Earth by means of giant "gravity casters"". 2188: Starcrash Catastrophe - two of the giant rocks farcast to Earth collide and instead of going into an accessible orbit plunge as a super mass directly into the Tokyo harbor according to intercepted futile frantic radio appeals for help. Some believe the Catastrophe was not an accident and was orchestrated by the Sons of Earth who have bitterly fought machine rule. Others believe it was inevitable. All agree the result was the final and complete destruction of the planet. 2194: present day : The Earth is uninhabitable - a mass of arctic storms and unstable ground ripped by frequent violent earthquakes and volcanic activity. StarPorts in orbit around some of the planets and stars have become the life stations of what remains of humanity. The StarPort and the asteroids are your only home - and these have become a war ground, where your odds of survival are grim. Without the Regenabots, humanity would already be extinguished. Gangs of Pirates of Procyon rule the stars - fighting each other, looting old space hulks and mining resources wherever they can be fo
Pirates of Procyon Psychology
Regenabots are central to Pirates of Procyon as the specter of infinite life in wretched conditions is key to the extreme recklessness and daring of the pirates. Pirates of Procyon know they will be regenerated - and this infinite life causes them not only to take crazy chances but to crave them for the risk of death has been removed, so another set of unending risks is put in their place psychologically. Knowing that any injury inflicted is temporary causes a slow slide in morality; if even death cannot leave lasting physical scars any action can be explained away. Seeking out adventure against overwhelming odds gives the chance that - this time - annihilation may be total, that for once the regenabots may fail. Each time the space farer reawakens, that deep-rooted panic of unending drudgery and toil threatens to at last disrupt their fragile and haunted minds. The abjectly dismal conditions of life contained in a shell continues hour by unrelenting hour to take its toll on the space farer's psyche until at last they are truly... PIRATES OF PROCYON
Help! I Was Online Attacked! This isn't Fair!
Online attacks are definitely within our rules. You can contact the player, their fleet, try to hire another player and/or cloak. Since there is a minimum 7 minutes time before you can be attacked by the same player from the time you enter the shipyard, use healing items or points to repair immediately upon entering the Ship Yard for 7 minutes of immunity or become Elite as the shipyard time is capped at 6 minutes for Elite players in PvP combat. This means Elite players will always have at least 1 minute of uninterrupted play time out of every 7 minutes even if another player attacks them as often as they can. Note that immunity time decreases to only 2 minutes during an active war. Online Players cannot be attacked more than once every 60 minutes during their first week of play unless they are in a war or have reached level 25. In Summary: If you are being online attacked, note that fortunately, each time you are hit online, you have 7 minutes of immunity from any other attacks. You can do a lot in 7 minutes, and there's also lots you can do to gain those 7 minutes out of the ship yard. - Elite players are never in the shipyard longer than 6 minutes in PvP combat, time your return to the game for 1 minute of immunity time - Use points to get out early - Use duct tape, again, to get out early - Use healing items, to get out early. - bomb the other player (this works especially well with Fleets), this can confuse them when they see you have successfully defeated them and make them reluctant - train and change up your equipment, try a turtle build (all defense) - cloak: this increases the odds they will be intercepted and makes it hard to tell where you are - move stations (coupled with cloaks, this makes it difficult to locate a player) - Play at different times than the person hitting you. - You can use a Letter of Marque to gain 30 minutes of attack-free play. This is especially useful if you time it well. It has a fun effect of getting the other person lost in space. - You can hire someone stronger than them to help you out, and/or Fleets looking to test out armadas. Since you are not part of a Fleet, you're missing out on that element - it's wise to join one for protection but also due to the chance to help each other and have more fun. - sometimes, just asking the player to ease up can be helpful - ask another player to retaliate on your behalf, including your Greeter (employ a bigger gun!)
What Are bbcodes and How do I Format my Posts?
bbcodes are a means to format text 'safely'. They use a 'start' tag and an 'end tag' (same as the start tag but with a / to indicate 'stop') to show a section of text to format; the tags are wrapped with [] and can be: b, i, u, url, img, center, small e.g. This text shows [b]bold[/b] In addition, a color tag is supported with the following values: [color=(black|blue|brown|cyan|gray|green|lime|maroon|navy|olive|orange|purple|red|silver|violet|white|yellow)]
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Bombs - How Do They Work? Usage is fairly simple, if you have a bomb, open the target player's profile and select "Plant Bomb". The next time that you attack the target, your bombs are set off - each bomb has a malfunction rate that is checked at the time of the trigger. If it malfunctions the bomb does not explode. Bombs are electronically encoded to only go off when the 'planter' attacks the target or the planter is attacked by the player the bombs were planted on. The only variant is that during a fleet war, the bombs will go off if any member of your fleet attacks a pirate that you have planted a bomb on (and vise versa). Every minute, there is a 1x#bombs % chance that the bomb will be discovered by the target. If this happens, ALL bombs will be removed from the target ship no matter who planted them or how many were planted. There is also a chance that during an attack, the bomb will damage the attacker as well as the defender.
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Bombs - I Used 200 Small Bombs And They Didn't Kill my Opponent Bombs (that don't malfunction) do damage based upon remaining HP, not based upon the maximum hull structure. Small bombs can weaken someone up. In your log the malf was increased - but it's still an odds; if the malfunction does not occur it does not show the percentage. If you use too many it's possible the opponent will 'one-shot' you because the bombs also do damage to you, though not as much as to the target on average. Pumpkin bombs do more damage - but at 60% maximum they cannot really kill someone off before combat begins. They have a low MALF% so are superior to small bombs and can be superior to Large Bombs. Large bombs can do up to 100% of the maximum remaining damage - they CAN actually kill the target before combat begins. Why didn't my planted bombs go off with an armada intercept? Armada Intercepts do not choose who they are fighting - target selection does not occur - and neither the Armada nor the target may benefit from bombs either aggressively or defensively.
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What is an Immortal?
There is a special category in the Hall of Fame for Immortals. These are respected and often well-loved players who have passed on in real life. As a small tribute to their memory, their game accounts are untouchable, and cannot be raided, attacked, etc.
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What Is a Sunspot?
A sunspot is a catastrophic flood of charged particles from the sun - a solar storm. It is rumored that these are assisted by SoE forces using and testing a "SunBomb" device for eventual total destruction of the Solar System in order to eradicate the AI Council. In addition, some pirates are said to be in possession of a 'SunBuster' device, which apparently allows them to trigger sunspots at will. During a Sunspot players: - will appear as a random pirate who has been online in the past 24 hours when attacking - have their current location shown as a random station - can attack members of their Fleet - Maximum Supplies=+1 - Maximum Energy=+1 - Malfunction Chance=+10% - Minimum Damage=+2 - Surprise Damage=+5 - Surprise Chance=+10%
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New Players : "What if I still have questions?"
If your question wasn't answered by these FAQs, please send a personal message (PM) to a greeter. Greeters and other leaders are here. Greeters are players who have volunteered to answer your questions. Contact one by finding a greeter who is marked [online] and clicking on their name. When their profile page comes up, click on 'Message' to send them your question.
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Is there a Strategy Guide?
Yes. This can be found here: Strategy Guide for POP
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AI Collective
There are two 'major' divisions within the AIs. Collectivism breaks down when experiences are not immediately shared - delays in data transfer and the need for instant decisions and reactions mean the spontaneous generation or equivalent of divergent pockets of machine consciousness. While these will usually 'catch up' and dissolve into the collective, it's possible that diversions can become too great on the equivalent of machine morality and prerogatives in which case there can be no common meeting. The further the distance the more probable and great the divergence. Technology using paired particle entanglements allows for near-instantaneous data transfers but even this breaks down if the distances exceed roughly 50 A.U. Regenabots excel at rebuilding what has been destroyed - and the first question is how their evolving morality lets them draw lines of what can be rebuilt and how. The second question you should think of is 'why would there be a distance greater than 50 A.U. involved?'. Pay strict attention to the Deep Belt encounters - and you may see a trend of division within those encounters; builders and destroyers of builders. Another major hint here was previously given with officers, how they are located, how many there are and how they were introduced.
Shoutbox Etiquette
SPAM SPAM is the practice of subjecting other players to unwanted or repetitive material. SPAM is not permitted in the shoutbox. Examples of SPAM can include but are not limited to: * begging * unnecessary characters prefixing or following conversation * repeating the same message or ‘singing’ in the Shout Box for multiple shouts * repeated interruptions that do not contribute to the ongoing conversation * excessive advertisement for game items you have for sale/trade Shoutbox Filter The Shoubox is equipped with a simple language filter in order to protect players from violating the TEEN rating of the game. "Playing" with the filter is not allowed, and will quickly get you warned or frozen. Examples of this are: * deliberately typing "***"s * testing words to see if they are filtered This adds no value to the conversation, and is classified as SPAM. Bypassing the filter by deliberately misspelling a filtered word can be grounds for an instant freeze. Do Not Do It. External Links All requests or posting of any external links in the shoutbox is strictly forbidden, except where expressly confirmed by an Admin or CSR. Other Games If you repeatedly discuss other games, we will intervene. This policy has been stated several times. We will ignore occasional and brief discussions but not if they continue beyond a short burst. Role Playing For Role-Playing shouts, please prefix the shout with the ~RP tag (again, a button is provided). Begging - aka: How to get Banned Fast Begging for items, points or cargo (or for loans of these) in the ShoutBox or Private Messages is considered spam - your account may be frozen or banned if you do. Contact a Moderator if someone does this to you. Please note that asking for advice from your Fleet leader or a moderator is perfectly acceptable and encouraged.
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Can you explain the meanings (and differences between) - Attacks - Raids - Ambushes - Farming - Dominating?
Attacks - Just like it sounds, you attack other players to earn experience. This ability starts at level 5 (level 4 and under players cannot attack other player nor be attacked by other players). Most people concentrate on earning experience from offline players, since this drastically reduces the chance that you will suffer retaliation for farming them. Raids - This is the act of stealing cargo from another player. On each player's profile screen, there is an option to Raid them. This costs 6 fuel, and doesn't involve an attack, just stealing their exposed cargo. Raiding online players is considered very hostile, though, so take care... Ambushes - You'll see this term in your event log when someone achieves a successful surprise attack against you. (See Surprise Attacks) Farming - A semi-derogatory term that means you are attacking someone for the sole purpose of earning easy experience. Some players even maintain "farm lists" while others just select targets from the game's search option. Dominated - This happens when you attack someone but they win instead. They are said to have dominated you, another standard battle message for when you lose. You'll never see this message in your own attack text; it only appears in the battle updates that run above the SB (ShoutBox.)
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How Long Can I be in the Ship Yard?
Players have 1 minute of shipyard time per level. This number caps at level 7 for non-Elite, and at level 6 for Elite players if this is a player-to-player combat. For combats against non-player combatants, the maximums are 10 minutes for non-Elite and 9 minutes for Elite players. During a war, normal shipyard times apply to online players. Those who are offline during a war are only in the SY for 5 minutes.
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What is Immunity and How Does it Work?
When you are attacked and defeated by another player, you are granted immunity from further PvP attacks for a fixed interval of 7 minutes from the moment you are defeated. While immunity time is equal for Notorious and non-Notorious players, in order to take advantage of it, non-Notorious players must reduce their shipyard time to under 7 minutes, using Duct Tape, points or a Regenabot Summoner. Note that immunity does not protect from raiding by other pirates, nor does immunity apply if you are defeated offensively (splatting), or in a belt encounter (PvE fight). 7 minute immunity timer between hits allowed drops down to 2 for Fleet Wars - so the minimum time between hits is only 2 minutes during a Fleet War for your Fleet and the Enemy Fleet, even if points or a regenabot summoner are used. Players not involved in the Fleet War still have the 7 minute timer in effect. Offline players involved in a Fleet War who are sent to the shipyard are there only for 5 minutes. This means while the war is underway, being offline hurts your Fleet. Even if you cannot defeat the enemy, it is much better to be online and trying the war forays than to be offline.
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What do I need to know first?
We're glad you decided to join in the fun with us at Pirates of Procyon! One of the first things players want to know is 'How do I earn money?' (In Pirates of Procyon, money is judged by the value of cargo you collect, since this is a vision of a collapsed future - but to keep things simple we typically refer to the cargo by its money value). Every hour, search through the station garbage - it's amazing what people will throw away and you can find! Once you have some cargo (money) collected - do not let it sit in your cargo bay! Go to Galactic Credit and convert it to credit (think of this like a deposit into a bank account). This protects the cargo you've collected from other Pirates. Unless you convert your cargo to credit, other players will be able to perform raids on your ship and steal it! Your ship is your lifeline in this game. It is your home, your means of creating income and it is your defense against other Pirates as well as your weapon to attack others! Each ship type has a number of 'Install Slots' (things that it can use at one time). Once you have some items, you need to 'install' them onto your ship. Click on Ship Inventory and click 'Install' on the item you want to wire into the ship. Each item has different benefits (and in some cases, drawbacks) - the ones you find early on in the game are going to be of lesser power usually so you will want to upgrade as soon as possible. Other players will list things they have found in a game-wide list of things for sale - click 'Player Equipment Market' to see or add to this list. Training technology is important - click 'Training' and then choose the technology area to improve. See the main help FAQ for what each technology does. Completing Salvage Forays, attacking in the Asteroid Belts and fighting other players will let you gain experience levels. Once you are 5th level, you can participate in the forums. It is a good idea to read through the full 'FAQ' (Frequently Asked Questions) collection before asking other players for help in the forums.
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What if I need help?
If at any time you need help, you can always click "Help" on the left menu. Please look through the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions first), then try contacting your Greeter, a Moderator or CSR. The Moderators are fellow players who can be on-line and available to help at any time. The staff contacts are listed on the 'Leaders' tab in the main section. If you have any questions that are not answered by the rules or FAQ, then please, read the forums. Generally questions have been asked and answered before (and in great detail). If you can't find the information, then create a new post in the forums. If you are below level 5 and can't post there, ask another player to do so. Also, you can direct questions to our Moderator/Greeter team, and they will happily assist you in any way they can. If the moderators and greeters are not available, please use the forums and/or make a support ticket for the Administrators as a last resort. In the case of Real Life Threats please immediately contact the Moderators AND Admins. Note: Snakehead Games relies upon it's volunteer moderator team. We will not second guess them about cases - for one, we trust them, for another they have more information than we do about specific cases. If you *really* think their ruling is unfair contact another moderator, but you had better be sure of your case. We simply do not have the time to run an appeals court. Contact an Admin for an appeal only if you believe your human rights have been violated i.e. racist, sexist, etc. comments. Anything else will be ignored.
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Can I Get the Name that an Inactive Player Used?
Yes, we can manually change the inactive player's name and yours to match. Players who are Inactive have abandoned their accounts - we must assess the likelihood of a player's return. Therefore, the more recently the player was active the less likely we are to provide access to the player name. However it involves a significant amount of manual labor on our part. We will allow that - once - for a Notorious player if the player with the desired name hasn't been active for 9 months or more. Those requests queue up and as time permits we do the changes on a low-priority basis. To request this, you must open a ticket in the open tickets forum. You may also wish to pursue an Alias.
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How do I Upgrade Items (Mk I to Mk V)? What are Parts, and how do they work?
Parts are remaining scraps of old items. You cannot 'manufacture' (create) an item out of Parts (items can be obtained from debris searches, space encounters, or the item market). You can however upgrade and improve an existing Rare, Rare+, Very Rare, Very Rare+ item you have. Parts and cargo are used for the improvement process. Upgraded items are bound to a single captain and AI system, carrying with the player through any ship upgrades. Parts cannot be traded, loaned, placed in armories, or sold, except back to the game at severely reduced cost. Each item has the potential to increase by five levels, going from Mk "0" (basic item) to Mk V (fully upgraded). The upgrade path is linear, meaning that you need to go through steps 0-V to get to a Mk V - it is not possible to do all the steps at once. Parts are item-specific. ie: Q-Dot Gun - Parts can only upgrade Q-Dot Guns, etc.
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Can I find Parts in the debris/asteroid belts etc? Parts are not findable in space debris. They are not findable in the Asteroid Belt, Deep Belt nor Missions. The only ways to get Parts without searching for them is to convert them from items, through the [Sell] menu.
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Can I Put Parts or Upgraded Items into the Fleet Armory? No. Upgraded items cannot be put into a Fleet armory. At this time, Parts themselves also may not - that was a conscious decision at the time of the automation.
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How do I Upgrade an item using Parts? To Convert items to Parts: In your inventory, click [Sell] under the item you want to convert into Parts. Select "Convert", and create your Parts. To Upgrade Items using Parts: In your inventory, scroll down to the bottom section: "Upgrades". Select the Part for the item type you wish to upgrade, and click [Use Upgrade]. Make sure you have all the items/cargo required to do the upgrade, or it won't work. If you have more than one of the same item at different "levels", you will be shown a complete list of those items from the [Use Upgrade] menu. The cargo for the upgrades is withdrawn directly from Galactic Credit - you do not need to have the money in your hold.
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How much does it cost to upgrade an item using Parts? The cost to upgrade changes with each upgrade level obtained. When upgrading items of different rarities, the number of items required (Parts) does not change - only the cargo costs increase with item rarity. The costs to upgrade an item are as follows Normal to Mk I Parts: 10 Cargo: $0(All Rarities) Mk I to II Parts: 15 Cargo: $1Mil(Rare)/$1.5Mil(Rare+)/$2Mil(Very Rare)/$3Mil(Very Rare+) Mk II to III Parts: 20 Cargo:$2Mil(Rare)/$3Mil(Rare+)/$4Mil(Very Rare)/$6Mil(Very Rare+) Mk III to IV Parts: 25 Cargo:$3Mil(Rare)/$4.5Mil(Rare+)/$6Mil(Very Rare)/$9Mil(Very Rare+) Mk IV to V Parts: 30 Cargo:$5Mil(Rare)/$7.5Mil(Rare+)/$10Mil(Very Rare)/$15Mil(Very Rare+)
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How Rare Are Parts? Parts for an item are one rarity less than the item and on a different search path. This means that Rare for Parts is not the same as Rare for an item.
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I Found a Part Instead of an Item! Incorrect - Parts are found instead of a 'you found nothing' result. Simplified Search Turn Logic: Found Item? No, failed chance - try for cargo. Cargo? no, failed chance - try for Part. Part? No - 'you found nothing'.
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Cool! So can I Upgrade my Training Gear and Make a Mega Training Item? Yes and No. You can upgrade most training items, however in some equipment, Training and Energy are unaffected by the upgrades (see the Item Guide for more information). Upgraded lab equipment becomes more powerful in other ways so they are less of a liability while worn. Consult the upgrade path carefully.
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What is a "Stale Link"?
To deter people attempting to cheat through the use of macros/scripts, the system will periodically time out old links on old pages. This is shown as a "Stale Link". To regenerate all the links, click the "Home" link on your left-hand menu or refresh the current page.
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What payment methods are accepted?
We currently accept many different payment methods worldwide through Xsolla and PayPal
How long does it take for my payment to be credited to my account?
The amount of time that it takes between when you pay for something and when it gets credited to your account depends upon the payment method selected. Payments through your PayPal Account, Credit Card, etc. can be processed fairly quickly. In most cases, your account will be updated almost immediately. In cases where the funds need to be verified and cleared (ie. Bank Transfer, e-cheque, Western Union, etc.) the process may take anywhere from a few hours to a few days.
Are payments secure?
All payment information is processed through secure connections by our payment processors (Xsolla and PayPal). Snakehead Games does not collect or store any personal payment information. This is handled by our payment processors.
How are payments processed?
It takes a number of steps to make a payment and have your account updated. 1) You create your order on the Account Upgrade page. 2) Once your order is completed and you are ready to make a payment, you click on the 'Pay Now' or PayPal direct button. You are directed to the payment processor to complete the payment. This portion is completely separate from our site. 3) The payment processor will complete your payment. This involves verifying the funds which may be almost instant or may take a few days. 4) Once a payment is verified, the payment processor notifies our server and we credit your account with your purchase.
Who do I contact if I have a problem with my payment?
If you have made a payment and your account has not been credited, your first contact should be with the payment processor. Xsolla help can be found here or in the bottom left of the payment dialog. In many cases, delays are due to the payment processor not having cleared the payment yet. If the payment processor has cleared the payment but your account has not been updated, please open a Support Ticket. You may also wish to contact one of our CSR's (listed on the Leader page) so they can expedite the process for you.
Should I stop leveling and just focus on my stats because I'm "squishy"?
No, there is no real reason for you to do so. There's no actual downside to being "squishy". As you gain levels, your capacity for research will naturally increase. If you continue gaining levels, you will reach a plateau where you start to gain stats faster than you gain levels, and things will even out. As you level, you gain Debris search turns, and you can kill tougher NPCs for more reward. More money means that you can buy bigger ship, which means more research units, which means you get stronger and stronger. Levels = Money AND power!
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What is Retirement?
Players now have the option to retire (requires: level 30+). Retirement is similar to a ban (the player can never return and cannot be interacted with) but registers as a voluntary finish. A new Hall of Fame category specifically for those players is created which shows (only) the level they reached. Hall of Fame categories no longer show banned players nor Retired nor Immortal players*. If a player wishes to remain on the HoF after they have finished playing, Retirement should not be requested Players who do not reach level 5 by the time they are inactivated (3 months) will be removed from the system (though we archive them). This is critical to opening the games to additional features as the speed improvements and load reduction gains there will be fantastic. This has no effect upon Fleet war ladder standings nor upon forums since level 5 is a minimum requirement. Players do not "lose out" either since a returning player can make up the lost levels within a few hours and it also frees up the user names since they can then be reused. Players who have clearly quit the game (e.g. given away their good equipment, have nothing installed, no activity in over a year) can be retired at our discretion. If you plan to come back, keep your equipment and/or stay active - if you're not around, we can't ask you. If you're not actually playing and leave yourself a no-risk experience source you're saying "I've given up on playing for myself". Reactivating periodically after mass dumping your cash and equipment and doing next to nothing with a couple of commons is another way of saying "retire me please - I'm not playing any more". Any player who has not logged in for 4 years or more will be automatically retired, or if they have not reached level 30 they will be banned. * the exception here is for missions they have created since those carry on after the player has left, and of course Immortal and Retired players have their own categories sorted by level

How Do I Retire? Click this link and follow the on-screen directions.

Note that you may request to cancel retirement - it may not be granted. You are urged not to "play" with this process - retirement is serious.

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I got raided, is there a safe way to upgrade my ship?
When you're in the shipyard (dead) being repaired, you're safe from attacks and raids, and can safely withdraw money from your account without having it stolen. Most players don't choose to take the risk of doing a transaction outside the shipyard, and will instead either "splat" by attacking a stronger player and losing, or will ask for an "MK" (Mercy kill) in order to be sent to the shipyard, and get up to 13 minutes (8 for Notorious) safe from raids and attacks.
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What is a Mini War?
A Mini War is similar to a fleet war but with impromptu fleets that you form just to fight a single war. You do not need to leave your fleet to participate. To start a Mini War, open the Profile of the active Pirate you would like to challenge to a Mini War, and click Mini War. That will open the war wizard which will guide you both through the next steps. You and your opponent will act as the leaders of the Mini War groups for the duration of the Mini War. There are 3 stages to a Mini War setup. Stage 1: Proposal This is where you set up some of the initial conditions of the Mini War. There are 3 types of Mini War: 1) Normal warring in which the first side to reach 0 HP loses 2) Timed in which the most damage done by one side in a chosen time limit wins 2) Timed in which the most HP left to one side in a chosen time limit wins In timed wars, you can set the Time Limit using the Time Limit Field. You can select the maximum number of players on each side and have invitation only mini factions or anyone can join. Salvage Forays can be turned off for Mini Wars. HP can be determined automatically by participants or it can be manually set.* Once you have selected all these options, you can proceed to stage two, in which the proposal is accepted by the other Mini War Fleet leader and others are invited. Stage 2: Invites Once a Mini War is proposed, you can see one in progress by going to your Station Menu -> Wars and selecting In Planning Stage to see all wars in the planning stage. You can also see them at the bottom of your home page. At this time you invite people to your Mini War faction and when you have invited everyone successfully, you mark your side as ready. When both sides are ready, you proceed to stage 3. Stage 3: Finalizing Options (Bet and Time) Here, you can set the final HP for manually set HP, place a money wager on the outcome of the Mini War, and decide when the war will start. You cannot bet on the other side to win - if you place a wager on them, you are changing their bet. Default start time is one hour from the current time. Once the options are settled upon and selected, all you need to do is wait for the Mini War to start and fight! If you use a Letter of Marque and perform a War Foray during a Miniwar or War you run the risk of becoming lost if you fail - this does not happen without the Letter of Marque being active. Note: Pirate Armadas are part of permanent factions and do not affect Mini War progress. * 'Calculate HP based on members' - for 'First to 0' or 'Most HP Remaining' war, this is your starting HP and it goes down with each attack. However, in a 'Most Damage Done' war, this is the starting damage that you are giving to the other team for handicapping purposes. The maximum team size in a mini war is 40 players.
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What is Cheating?
Some people have asked what is cheating and what is not. Essentially, it's getting an unfair advantage. In the following hierarchy, items are ranked from what we consider 'the absolute worst form of cheating' to what we consider to be 'not as bad, bust still something that will get you banned.' 1) Hacking into the Game This means literally busting into the game code, like Neo, and changing your stats. Confirmed Cases: We've had no cases of this. Nor do we ever think we will. If we did, it'd be an insta-ban and firebombing of the IP and anyone on it. 2) Finding an Exploit Using something in the game to level up, gain stats or resources in a excessive way. This is not points, but rather say figuring out a bug with the game, and using it rather than telling us. Confirmed Cases: Very early on we had a case of this, whereby a player gained a Dread in 5 minutes of playing. We fixed the problem, and rolled back the game by 30 min. Generally players are very good about telling us about bugs. So please err on side of caution: if you are unsure about a "bug," that's an exploit. If you are unsure if it *is* a bug -- check the forums first (try the search tool, very helpful). Then when you are sure, Support Ticket, do not post in the forums. 3) Multiaccounting This is where a player creates multiple accounts, on the same or other IPs, and then uses them to funnel resources into their main account. Confirmed Cases: We bust at least one a week. It's pretty easy for us to catch. 4) Automating Training and other "Free" Stuff This is using scripts to "login" and carry out the "Free" actions in the game such as training, slots etc. This would happen while you are asleep, or even just working on another window of the computer. Confirmed Cases: Immediate ban. We act when we are very sure about this. 5) Automating Point Spends This is using a script to spend points to get more powerful. This could include training, etc. The difference here is that players have paid for points. We do not make a difference in enforcement between 4 and 5, but we are we aware that other games allow this, and/or turn a blind eye. We want it to be very clear: it is not acceptable here. Confirmed Cases: Immediate ban. We do like to be sure about banning players as very active playing can sometimes mimic this. Both of those include the automated sharing of data between players. i.e. it's fine to keep an Excel list done by hand and share that. Automate the storage of that, and automate the sharing of that (for stockmarket scripts etc.) and bye bye. People ask how do you know if you're automating? For example, is f5 automating? Automating is pretty simple. If you use a tool that removes a click or button push then you are cheating. If it just causes you to do a different type of button push (say using a bookmark), then you're fine. You are not removing a button push, just replacing it. Note: there is one exception to this rule in one script written by Keyser Soze of SB. It's noted in his script log. In summary, with automation, "Don't Skip a Click". Keep to that, and you're fine!
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Why are Player Names Coloured?
Yellow - Non Elite Dark Green - Elite Lime Green - Greeters Red - Moderators Purple - Customer service rep (CSR) Blue - The Admins White - Immortalized players Silver and Italics - Retired from game Strike-through - Banned
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How Are Referral Ballots Counted?
Each day at server noon, each player will have a number of ballots equal to the sum of the levels of each player they've referred who joined within the past 30 days, is active within the last 48 hours, on different IPs and level 6 or more. One ticket is pulled at random from all the ballots and the winner receives: 10,000 experience
5 Elite Days
50 points
Winner's Medal (new) - with versions for winning 25 times, 50, 100, 150, 250 times

You can find your referral link in the Level dropdown menu, under "Refer Others" (high graphics) or on the lefthand navigation bar in low graphics mode. Ascending players receive these bonuses on their ascending accounts.
Note that players on the same IP do NOT count towards the referral contest in the interest of fair play. Referral Contest Reports The Refer Others page updates in real time. The Referrals Contest Leaders page only updates once per day.
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Debris Searching
Different stations do not affect the odds of the chance of finding an item - there may or may not be a difference in the type of item found. Your crew level increases the turns you get per search attempt as does being Notorious, but does not directly increase the amount of cargo found in one search turn, however you end up on average with more value the higher your level since you have more turns with each search.
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I just spent 5 points and didn't get as many debris search turns as I do on the hourly searches. What gives? This question only applies to very high level players (lvl 180+). Hourly searches can give you a potentially infinite number of search turns as your level nears infinity. Your max search turns will increase by 1 every three levels, with no limit in the hourly (free) searches. However, a point can purchase no more than 13 search turns. When you spend 5 points for extra search turns, you get up to a maximum of 65 (5*13) searches per 5 points at levels of 180+. (Notorious players get another +5 and the ladder can add up to +2, so you may get as many as 72 total with these bonuses.)
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Should I stop leveling at some point and just work on my stats?
No, there is no real reason for you to do so. As you gain new ships, your capacity for training will increase. If you continue gaining levels, you will reach a plateau where you start to gain stats faster than you gain levels. There's no actual downside to being "squishy".
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How do Critical Damage and Reduce Critical work?
Some items give the additional bonus of critical damage or critical damage reduction. If you critically hit, another damage amount is added to your hit from 1 to MAX CRITICAL DAMAGE. Eg. CRITICAL (+254 ) Hit: Note that both SURPRISE and CRITICAL damages ignore shields. REDUCE CRITICAL can absorb some CRITICAL DAMAGE. Only CRITICAL DAMAGE is reduced by CRITICAL REDUCTION - normal damage remains unaffected. Each time a critical hit occurs, there is a chance for the opponent to reduce it. If a critical reduce is successful, the critical damage inflicted will be reduced by an amount between 1 and max REDUCE CRIT. DAMAGE. Eg. CRITICAL (+139 - CRITICAL REDUCTION of 23 = 116)
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What is a War Foray?
During a war, a new foray option appears which allows players to try a strafing run on the enemy. This is an all-out attack on a group of enemy ships which can be attempted every 30 seconds. The success chance depends upon your Fuel, the more you have, the greater your odds (25% + 1 per FUEL you have - maximum 85%) of success. War Foray success odds are not affected by Salvage Foray bonuses, such as those given by the Expert Technician Officer. MAXIMUM WAR FORAY DAMAGE = lesser of (AVAIL. FUEL, 5 + square root of PLAYER LEVEL ) ATTEMPT REQUIRES: 10 FUEL and 23% ENERGY. SUCCESS CHANCE: 25% + 1 per FUEL you have - maximum 85% chance of success. SUCCESS: consumes all available FUEL and ENERGY. FAILURE: takes 20% energy and all your FUEL. You are not put into the Shipyard if you fail as that would otherwise eliminate your ship as a target. If you use a Letter of Marque and perform a War Foray during a Miniwar you run the risk of becoming lost if you fail - this does not happen without the Letter of Marque being active. If you are fighting multiple wars (Fleet War and/or multiple Miniwars) the War Foray applies to a random war. The ability to select your target is deliberately not applied to the War Foray as it would be overpowered. The War Foray is a last resort.
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What features do player levels unlock? (shoutbox, raiding, etc)
Level 3 unlocks the shoutbox. Level 4 unlocks posting in the forums. Level 5 unlocks the ability to attack and be attacked, as well as the ability to Send Items, Send Cargo to other players. Level 10 unlocks the ability to raid and be raided. You may also begin to use points for repeated debris searches. Level 15 unlocks the ability to Send Points to other players. Level 20 unlocks player missions. Level 25 unlocks the deep belt
What do I Put in a Bug Report?
The following is what we would loooove to have in every bug report: (a) Platform and Brower Type --> Windows XP, IE 7.0 (b) State what occured just before the event --> "I had just researched twice and then went to check space debris. The debris then said I was missing a waldo!" (c) If this was the first time or it's happened before. If so what were the similarities from last time? The differences? (This includes both what happend and especially what you were doing beforehand). The closer you are to this, the more likely we can find the bug quickly and fix it! Or tell ya it's not a bug, it's a "feature" of the game :)
Is there a Wiki for Star Pirates?
Yes - the wiki is on the Snakehead Games Inc site at - click the Encyclopaedia Star Piratica for Star Pirates specific information.
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What are the Rules for the Wiki?
1) Anyone can read the wiki, but you must become a registed user to edit. 2) Some areas are 'official' SHG areas and not editable. Most notably this is the book labeled History of the Stracrash and the SHG Timeline. 3) All of the rules in effect in the games also govern the content in the wiki! This means you can get booted out of the wiki for rule violations. 4) To become a registered user, contact a wiki admin in the game of your choice. You only need to do this once, even if you play more than one SHG game! When you contact a wiki admin, you MUST provide that person with a login name that you wish to use that matches a player name you use (or have used) and by which you are easily identified in one of the SHG games. You MUST also provide a temporary login password. The wiki admin will get you activated, you will change your password, and then you are free to edit!
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Who should I contact to get a logon?
1) First try a wiki admin in your game. Send them the information about your user name and temp pass as outlined above. 2) If they don't respond in a reasonable amount of time*, try a different wiki admin. 3) If that doesn't work, after a reasonable amount of time, try a friendly neighborhood mod. 4) If that for some odd reason still doesn't get you results (again, in a reasonable amount of time), contact your favorite CSR. *A reasonable amount of time in this case is defined as somewhere between a few hours to a day or so.
Who are the Wiki Administrators?
Please see the forum post regarding the wiki
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How Do I Make a Suggestion?
Please open a suggestions thread for evaluation of your recommendation. Other players can also provide their input, and we avoid duplications. We then assess items in the suggestions forums based upon cost to benefit and potential cost recovery (the ability for such a change to encourage financial support to the game and hopefully break even or exceed the design, development and testing costs and time).
Why Only Beam Weapons? Why No Missiles?
Missiles/torpedoes: the energy cost to accelerate matter towards any velocity where a projectile is not trivially targetted by beam defense and/or avoided is prohibitive and makes such weapons effectively useless unless the target is very large and with a heavily predictable path (asteroid, moon, planet). Farcasters are the size of dreadnaughts and use a series of gravity assist units mid-path to move the asteroids, as a result of their own shielding and heavy structure to resist the gravity surges, these are sitting ducks for a counter-attack as they accelerate very slowly due to mass. There are weapons which use micrometeorites and the equivalent which is seen on SoE units; this technology is highly desired but unavailable and jealously guarded with self-destruct sequences by SoE forces. It is rumored that the technology is well-known to the AI Council but Starcrash has meant they are keeping it from humanity. It may be that gravity waves from employing such a device are unavoidably lethal to any human occupants of a vessel employing them. The only weapon suitable in this environment is a beam weapon. Space vessels do not have instant velocity in Pirates of Procyon nor do they have faster than light drive. Ships in combat will move at speeds roughly 8km / second although it is highly variable. Trying to adjust course is not like a fighter plane. You move in a mostly straight line. Scanners can trivially predict your location and beam weapons get there before you do if desired and can easily 'cover' an area with rapid fire. Assuming nothing malfunctions, your ship's weapons WILL hit the other ship and your ship WILL get hit. The only variations are trying to get maximum coverage not to hit. Weapons which are "fast" on Earth or useful for naval or land combat are "slow" when looking at the vastness of Space. For example, a railgun is a powerful weapon on Earth and is useful for naval fighting also. It is not useful against airships unless the payload is flak. In space, it cannot be effective due to the sheer distances and incredible velocities of the ships. The US Navy has tested a railgun that launched a 7 pound shot to Mach 7. There's no ability to correct the shot once launched - unlike a beam weapon which can fire literally millions of times in a few seconds. At great distances even tiny differences in direction mean the beams can cover a huge target. Mach 7 is FAST no doubt - but is it fast enough? In our modern world, space vessels orbiting Earth today (e.g. the space shuttle) do so at 17,000 - 18,000 miles an hour, 7900 m/s. Mach 7 is 2,382.03 m/s. The odds of a successful strike with that weapon, considering a tiny deviation on either part will have them be thousands of miles apart rather than collide, are effectively nil. The combats we envision are approximately 200,000 km apart when combat begins (halfway to the moon). Beam weapons are capable of beginning the fight at that range. Solid projectiles require 1-2 minutes to reach the target and even small amounts of additional energy (beam weapons) will ensure the trajectory is altered meaning it would never hit.
How Do Invasions (Invaders/Space Crystals) Work?
What are Invaders? Mysterious crystals are invading our system. They are too strong for any one player to defeat on their own. Free Captains need to put aside their differences as these menaces threaten the stations. Players are notified of a pending invasion as a system-wide Effect. When an invasion is detected, the time that the invasion will reach the target system is detected and posted. Players must then try to destroy the Invader(s) before they reach the target. What Do I Get For Winning? Every time a Free Captain performs a successful attack against the Invader, a small amount of cargo is added to a fund and the player earns one reward ballot. If the players are successful in defeating the Invader, 50% of the accumulated fund is distributed to the Top Defender (the player who does the most damage to the Invader). 5 defense ballots are randomly selected and each of the 5 players wins 10% of the cargo accumulated during the Invasion. (Note: the same player cannot win more than once in this ballot and the Top Defender cannot win the 10% ballot). In short - the more times you successfully defend, the greater your odds to win big. Presuming the community wins of course... In addition to the cargo, the Top Defender also earns a Treasure Chest item. And - depending upon the invasion - a beneficial game-wide system effect may be applied. What Happens If We Lose? If the Invader is not defeated before they reach the system, all players in the system are automatically transported to Jupiter and cannot access the defeated system for 24 hrs. In this case, NONE of the accumulated cargo is given out - the invaders consume it. There may also be a short term negative effect (depending upon the specific invasion)
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I raised a ticket against a player, can I see what happened as a result?
If a ticket is raised, the enforcement follows the Rules as listed after evaluation - as per the Rules and the diagram which is shown elsewhere, this consists of warnings progressing to freezes, etc. depending upon prior history and the nature of the rule break. To observe what the process is applied, the freeze, warning, ban progression and rules are visible to all. These are enforced as listed. It's no secret if someone is frozen though it is not revealed as to why, etc. If players would like to know what is said by CSRs and/or Admins to another player in a ticket or Private Messaging for purposes of private rule enforcement, including as a result of a ticket someone has filed: ABSOLUTELY NOT. That would be a gross violation of the other player's privacy. The policy has never changed since the game has opened. It never will as it would be a betrayal of trust and a violation of ethics. There will always be players who will say "I am not satisfied with that, I want to know exactly what has been done or said to another player." That is their call - it may be they appreciate the privacy when it applies to themselves at a future date. For example, we will not inform the game forums of a filed ticket, etc. and we do our utmost to protect player privacy wherever it can be done. A demand for breaking another player's privacy will however be rejected, whether that is in response to an existing filed ticket or other concern. Laws regarding privacy have recently strengthened. We have been ahead of them and continue to be so as they increase in restriction. It may be that we need to further increase privacy in some future as yet unknown manner - we will not however decrease the privacy protection we offer to players.
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How does the Respect system work?
Respect is a way to show a player you appreciate them as a community member, player, trading partner, or friend. You can see how much respect a player has by looking at their profile. If you click on the Respect link in a player's profile you are brought to the respect page and are able to add 1 point of respect to that player if you have any available. You earn 1 Respect Point per 10 levels rounded down, and can never get more than this total. Once you spend points the only way to get them back is to retract them, which you can do at the cost of 1 point per retraction. If you click on respect on your own profile you can see a summary of the players that respect you. From either view of the respect page you can toggle between the list of players you respect and players that respect you. Respect points persist through ascensions, and as such if you spend all your points before beginning ascension you will not have any to spend when in ascension until you gain enough levels to support more respect points. You can still retract points but if your level is not high enough to regain them you will not. ie. I am level 40 and have spent all 4 respect points. I start ascension and then retract one respect point. That player loses 1 to their respect total, but I do not regain any respect points to spend as at my current level (5) I cannot support any respect points.
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Can a banned player ever return?
Now, by policy we permit players to return with a new account after 1 year of non-play if we believe there is genuine intent to play by the rules. If the player has ever tried to multi-account or if a crime was committed (defraud attempt, hate crime, RL threats, etc.) then this is not permitted.
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What is the Toaster Hunt?
As the metaphorical dust settles after an invasion only one pirate finds the Mythical Toaster that the invaders left behind. Other pirates may steal or otherwise find this toaster by attacking the player who currently has it. If you have the toaster: - Stay out of the shipyard! If you are in the shipyard you will drop the toaster and a random online player (who is not in the shipyard, lost, in ascension, or frozen) will pick it up. - Move around! If someone attacks you and wins they get the toaster instantly. If they attack you and lose they can still knock it loose and you will drop it! It will then be picked up by a random online pirate, or if they are notorious they will keep it instead - Use cloak + SSC! If you are hard to hit you may be able to hold on to the toaster for longer. It also makes it slightly harder to pin down your location - Do not use a Letter of Marque, as it offers no protection to you from attacks - Do not Ascend. Choosing to ascend makes you instantly drop the toaster, and it gets picked up by a random online player. - You are not immune. Normal attacking immunity does not apply if you are currently holding the toaster If you do not have the toaster: - Use the "Hunt" hints to track your prey. These appear in the same location as invasion notices - Attack the person who has the toaster even if you are too weak to win, if you manage to dislodge it (50% chance) it still counts as a find/claim for you. There is a prize for doing this! Also you help to diminish their chance of winning. - Be Notorious! Notorious players get a free refill and avoid the hospital when stealing the toaster (in a combat they have lost). This means you get to keep the toaster after dislodging it! NEATO! - Stay out of the shipyard! If the toaster is dropped you can find it if you are online but not if you are in the shipyard, lost, in ascension or frozen. Remember chatting alone does not count for activity - Use cloak+SSC! If you attack the person who has the toaster and win their event log will tell them who took it from them. They can instantly attack you and take it back. But if you are cloaked this can help to cover your tracks. - Check player profiles! You may see a hint to indicate that they have the toaster. In the end the pirate who has the toaster will win a prize. There are equivalent prizes for finding the toaster the most, and holding the toaster the longest. One pirate can win multiple (or all of the) prizes. The prize is 1,000,000 in item credits for your Save for Ship fund, unless you have the best ship in which case you receive it to your Galactic Credit account.
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What is a Captcha?
Captchas are a combination of 4 characters always presented in 'letter number letter number' format. By having players fill out captchas periodically we are able to reduce cheating drastically and keep the game fair and fun for all. If you have trouble seeing the captcha we have options for listening to it or inverting the image. For more information on Captchas please see this thread.
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